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  5. Help! I'm trying to remove/add points to people in the server and any values that are removed or added do not count towards the totals. The numbers continue to go up with normal interaction and so on, but they don't go up or down with command influence by admins. Sorry for the chat names and so on. We like to clown around.
  6. Earlier
  7. + 'FLUFFY FRIENDS' + - -- ---- --------------------------------- ---- -- - PET STORE + - -- ---- --------------------------------- ---- -- - [E] Pastel Pink Xoloitzcuintli - 60K [R] Samoyed - 5K [R] Blue Russian - 5K [R] Pekin Duck - 5K [R] White Lohmann - 5K DM if you're interested - z4x77g5
  8. I thought you could throw any items (I was wrong) and desperately wish this was a feature so I could chuck stuff at people. PLEASE make this a feature!
  9. The Bot don´t post the LevelUp in the right channel ROLE EARN ANNOUNCE CHANNEL don´t work i guess I try too use other channel but it doesn´t help monokuma96
  10. How to restart tatsu character and account?
  11. I have lots of food, feeders, and sitters. How do I apply them?
  12. I sent my dog to daycare so I can send it to the pumpkin heist event. Now I want to send it back to house after recalling from the event. How do I do it?
  13. Is there a way? I couldnt see a way as there is only 1 points command which encompasses givign away your points
  14. the fact that this setting is listed under the economy header in t@help is really, really frustrating. I had no idea to even look through each of those individual settings, because as a casual discord user "persistence settings" means nothing to me, until I parsed the one that let me manage level up messages. I also could not find it through the tatsu dashboard, though I may have just been, foolishly, not looking in the economy settings
  15. Hello, Discords new naming system (Pre Oct 2016 members so far) does not work with tatsu. message comes up as invalid name. examples used as proof: /reputation @Baldo /reputation @Dunedrifter Both of these Discord members have recently changed their names under the new Discord naming system previous names: @dunedrifter#1486 @Baldo#6969
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