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Everything posted by Spongy#7196

  1. What about making the credits of 4 and 38 votes rewards in the form of tradeable credits? Since the rest of vote rewards go to your inventory, I thought it would be nice if the credits rewards go to your inventory as well instead of your wallet ^^ So for the 1500 credits, we can receive 2 1k tradeable credits maybe? And for the 11k credits, we can probably receive 11 1k tradeable credits.
  2. Sometimes, we don't know if the furniture/furnishes that we will be getting will fit into our houses/daycares. Sometimes, we would end up having to trade them or sell them away which is sad :(. So, I would like to suggest a set of commands which would allow us to design our dream houses/daycares with all the items that is available in the shop be it normal or events items. Of course, they're just dream houses/daycares which means we own neither the houses/daycares nor the items in it. For instance, the command can be t!hse dream edit. Then, we can choose what kind of houses too like Brenda's apartment, Penthouse etc. And then, we can edit in the furniture/furnishes to our dream houses/daycares. Through this way, we can know which items to get and when we have enough credits/tokens, we can finally hunt for them. Additionally or otherwise, it would be great to have a command where we can list our wishlists for items too! You know, if someone wants to surprise another for their birthday or if they're simply feeling kind, they can just lookup the person's wishlist and gift it to them ^^ Edit: I realise the tryout design can work for tatsugotchis and profile badges too but given that we have limited pets cosmetics now and that profile badges are not really the hype (based on selling-ads and buying-ads), I figured we could have the tryout for houses/daycares design first ^^
  3. So for pets, we have: t!tg train and t!tg walk for active pets which gives immediate results of exp and sometimes loots for the latter t!tg fieldtrip for daycare pets which takes some time for exp and loots (20 hours in the current patch) I would like to suggest something similar for slots: Current available game: t!slots which gives immediate results of wins or losses Suggested game: t!invest which works similar to slots but takes a longer time to give the results. There are probably many things that can be put into the t!invest game such as (off the top of my head): Invest in one of the "companies". Say there are 5 companies, those who invested in the company which receives the highest number of investments gets the highest returns and the opposite happens too i.e. lowest investment company, no returns given Investment can be a done once a day or timed. e.g. starts at t!daily time and ends at the next day's t!daily time. The result can be automatically sent to mail and shown on people's t!daily embed message. Investment can be open to credits or tokens. That's all I can think of. Sorry if it's too long or incoherent. Thank you for even reading this far ><"
  4. So the idea is straightforward: introduce a career that can increase fatigue recovery rate of tatsugotchis for approx 5% maybe? So, members can get the carer like any other carer at the same price and for the same duration but which works to target the fatigue level. So, we have one carer for each of the pets' attributes woohoo. The carer can be simple toys like a catnip ball, chew toys, treat robot etc :)). Alternatively or additionally, introduce a positive attitude for tatsugotchis which increases their fatigue recovery rate or 2k credits superfood to clear their fatigue level. Many thanks devs and people behind Tatsu. Yall awesome ^^
  5. Not sure if this was suggested before (I'm a newbie Tatsu grinder OwO) but what if we get credits/tokens every time our Tatsugotchi levels up? Something like: Lvl 1 → 9: 50 credits per level Lvl 9 → 10: 10 tokens Lvl 11 → 19: 100 credits per level Lvl 19 → 20: 20 tokens Lvl 21 → 30: 150 credits per level Lvl 29 → 30: 30 tokens Lvl 31 → 40: 200 credits per level Lvl 39 → 40: 40 tokens Lvl 41 → 50: 250 credits per level Prestige: 50 tokens Of course, the prizes that trainers will receive is ultimately up to the developers. I just thought it would be cool if we have extra incentive to train our pets besides being able to just level and prestige them especially for those who just started playing Tatsu and are short on in-game $$$ (I'm a supporter btw OwO). It may look like an easy way to farm for credits/prizes but besides chatting (every 2 mins in normal servers), daily quests (which can be done in under half an hour) and event quests (which comes only every now and then), I don't think there's much of any other thing to do to grind in Tatsu and get something back (fishing costs in-game $$$ too :(((). That's all thank you and I hope I don't sound rude or anything. ;-;
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