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Everything posted by PaulyPop#4444

  1. Add a channel to the discord where users can suggest new features or give feedback on existing features. The channel can have a cooldown for users to type in and bot to help make things smooth and organized or just have it open tp all as more of a "wishlist" channel. Alternatively, make this suggestions forum more known and accessible by adding it to the "official-links" channel on the discord
  2. In the description of items when buying from the shop, please add a note saying if the items is a pet cosmetic, meeko cosmetic, or furniture. Now that we have meekos, it can be confusing to know if an item can be used on our pets or our character. If the item is a furniture, please add a note that says what the grid size is. If the item is 1x1 or 2x2 or 1x2, a lot of the time we can visually guess if it’s 1x2 or 1x1 but this would be a nice quality of life addition.
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