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Everything posted by kocgum#9039

  1. *Suggestion: coming in hot with a cool invention, families! each family will have a daycare, where the members' pets will be displayed at! the owner could set perms! the perms will allow other people (excluding the owner) to for example customize the day care, add or remove members and so on! the families will bring bonuses - - to voting/daily/quest streaks, that'll increase the more people have a streak going on! supporters will get a bigger bonus! and of course, the family will come with a - - cash/token price, and supporters will get a ~discount~ or even get it free! you'll be able to be in only one family, and each family will have an user limit, if the owner is a supporter, the member limit will be increased! <3 *Reason: it'll encourage people to have more engagement between each other! whenever it is activity, or just wanting to show your love to one another, families will allow for that to happen <3 Images: N/A *Username: kocgum
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