The snow is melting, the leaves are budding, the flowers are blooming! That can only mean one thing: the Celebration of Blossoms Spring Festival is here!
Experience the arrival of Spring from the 4th to the 30th of April with new pet cosmetics and furniture. This event, get to do so much more with friends in activities you can accomplish together!
Table of Contents
1.0 Getting Started
1.1 How To Play
1.2 Event Schedule
1.3 Sproutling
1.4 Supporter Perks
1.5 Event Mini-site
2.0 Floral Fun
2.1 Gardening
2.2 Flower Trading
2.3 Arch Building
3.0 Spring Gift Baskets
3.1 Gift Exchange
3.2 Daily Gifts
3.3 Picnics
4.0 Springtime Strolls
5.0 Sprouting Daily Quests
6.0 Event Rewards
6.1 Event Shop Items
6.2 Other Event Items
7.0 Token Store Updates
7.1 Furniture
7.2 Pet Cosmetics
8.0 Summary
1.0 Getting Started
1.1 How To Play
This year, the event commands have been streamlined and you can access all event activities by typing t!event. You'll be able to access statistics, different activities, and rewards from a single command.
1.2 Event Schedule
The timeline of Celebration of Blossoms activities are shown below:
- Event Reward Store - Apr 4 to May 14
- Floral Fun - Apr 4 to April 30
- Gift Exchange - Apr 4 to April 30
- Springtime Daily Quests - Apr 4 to April 30
- Daily Gifts - Apr 4 to April 30
- Springtime Stroll - Apr 4 to April 30
- Picnics - Apr 4 to April 30
1.3 Sproutling
You can earn Sproutlings by doing t!daily, while walking your pet, sending pets for field trips or opening Gift Baskets. Spend Sproutlings in the event store for special limited time furniture, cosmetics and badges.
1.4 Supporter Perks
As with previous events, all supporters will receive 25% more Sproutlings from Walks and Daily Quests and a 25% increase in reward currency cap. Supporters also receive one additional Gift Basket from t!daily, and gain rewards from watering 10 more others' gardens during as part of the Floral Fun: Gardening event. Click here to support our development
1.5 Event Mini-Site
This year there is a themed mini-site to help you through the event - you can visit it by going to https://tatsu.gg/springfestival2022
2.0 Floral Fun
Partake in the festivities by coming together to grow flowers, trade flowers between participants, and put together awesome looking Floral Arches that can be put in your spring-themed house or daycare!
2.1 Gardening
During the Celebration of Blossoms, everyone chips in to make our gardens as beautiful as they can possibly be! Each day, up to 10 people can water your garden. Keep an eye on it, though — the more people that help, the more likely you are to find new flowers!
2.2 Flower Trading
Share the springtime splendor by swapping flowers with your friends! These flowers will be used in building the flower arches in the next section!
2.3 Arch Building
Once you’ve collected enough flowers, add them to your arch in order to earn new, unique furniture! Apart from the basic Garden Vine Arch that will be delivered to your inventory when the event starts, there are 7 different Flower Arches you can collect!
3.0 Spring Gift Baskets
Introducing Spring Gift Baskets! Items you can acquire within the basket include credits, tokens, Sproutlings, and other spring-themed furniture and pet cosmetics! Only 1 item can be acquired per bag.
3.1 Gift Exchange
It’s Blossoms in spring! Exchange gifts and gift baskets with everyone you meet!
Note: You'll receive a gift for every gift you give out!
3.2 Daily Gifts
Claiming t!daily during the event will award you with a Spring Gift Basket every day! (Supporters also gain another extra bonus Gift Basket daily!)
Note: You'll receive your daily Gift Basket even if you give your t!daily to someone else!
3.3 Picnics
Pets can be sent on field trips with the t!picnic command! Each pet also has a 50% chance to find a Spring Gift Basket when they return!
4.0 Springtime Strolls
Going on walks with your pet using t!tg walk command for the event duration will award you with Sproutlings. Supporters also gain up to 25% more Sproutlings per day.
5.0 Sprouting Daily Quests
Completing Daily Quests within the t!quest daily command for the event duration will award you with Sproutlings. Supporters also gain 25% more Sproutlings for completing quests within the duration.
6.0 Event Rewards
Spend your Sproutlings in the reward store for special furniture, cosmetics and badges! You can access the special event store by clicking on this link: https://tatsu.gg/shops/event.
These items will be available in the store from the 4th to the 30th of April.
NOTE: If you're unable to use the event site, you can use our normal store here:
6.1 Event Shop Items
6.2 Other Event Items
Apart from those purchaseable using Sproutlings, there's also a hidden badge reward that you can earn! I wonder how you can get it?
7.0 Token Store Updates
A couple of new Celebration of Blossoms themed special furniture and cosmetics have been added to the token store! These items will only be available from the 4th to 30th of April. You can access the special event store by clicking on this link: https://tatsu.gg/shops/event.
7.1 Furniture
7.2 Cosmetics
8.0 Summary
In addition to the event we've also made some bugfixes and added a bunch of QoL changes, but this post is too long so we'll leave those out. Have a great Spring season!
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