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Gabe || Игорь#6666

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  1. ...because the current one is kinda very little. Considering we can't sell exp items so it won't lead us to any financial profit. 50 coins for almost a month of constant voting means it takes us many month of blind grinding till we can buy one piece from the shop. [For example, Not to trying to play the cry kid but I always wanted to buy a tag because yk, it looks cool and why not, because we can't trade it, it's our own only, but it costs 900 ac?? That means 17-18 month of grinding for only one item. And it's not even the most expensive thing? Not getting anything else at all while saving up for one piece. One and half year. And I know we sometimes gets generous ac gifts in the mail if something broke off for a longer period of time, but that's not a guaranteed to happen.] We were already ripped off by scrapping our vote rewards xp bottles to half and not being able to trade them, it'd be good if something would get better instead of going steps back Please
  2. I don't want to back to the middle age and give up something automatic in 2021 for the sake of getting something that works only by my labor work. Please go ahead and not back. People who works irl don't have all day to do manual labor in front of their pc.
  3. I don't think rarity is what people are curious about their pets in the daily basic, having their experience level beside the rarity index would be more useful to see about the pets.
  4. I'll begging for this change but with 75% of pet food worth to exchange, I mean don't forget your labor work in walk of how many command it requires you to manually add and wait and add and wait and etc
  5. Yes It takes forever to do all 8 with the cooldown times
  6. Since we can't rotate floorings it will suit only a very few user and room settings but would look dope if we would be able to rotate.
  7. Inventory doesn't even work, it'd need a serious patching up before anything else. I mean even the existing sorting fields won't work so it'd be a blessing if that would be fixed first. :/
  8. Because keeping track of multiple articles and finding those few items out of them to see which items I need to pick from the shop now to buy asap because it'll be gone soon became quite impossible. A new Temporary Items field with adding a text info of on the items where I noted with red lkke "will be available till xyz" would make it clear because it is really not now, thank you
  9. 1. The command button numbers are not in sync with the room numbers which can be really misleading for people, (for example button 5 to see room 4). It's really confusing why it is mixed up but it could be more simple if buttons would have the numbers of the rooms and the entire view been on the last numbered button or on zero. 2. Sync Flash commands with the dc view commands, because they aren't now. In menu commands if I hit the menu botton "2" it takes me to room "3", but in flash command the behavior is completely different, in flash commands if I hit "dc 1", which is full view in the menu, it only takes me to room "1". I can't reach full view in flash commands with any number I use despite it's there in the menu.
  10. I tried to get my friend's soda and couldn't. Despite we were told the vote rewards are tradable because we worked for it hard, but here again the small detail in the picture, apparently what we was told was nice but not true and not all are tradable. Be honest if we gets pulled off with something then Please add in the vote buffs/rewards/vote field a text under the items that it's not tradable, or even better would be if it would be tradable as it was told, thank you
  11. I'm sorry, I still think it should be renamed. I think calling it fox cap is clickbait as seeing the chance of getting a Fox out of a Fox cap is way less than 0,1%. It's like if beach crates would give beach items only 0.0075% if opened (this is the percentage of getting a fox out of fox caps), or pet caps that would give furnitures more than 99% and pets only less than 1%.
  12. I literally just wasted my hard earned tokens to get a 3k woth of cat I never wanted, that's what came out of the fox cap. Calling it fox cap when we don't get foxes out of it is a big putoff and clickbait. Literally as if we would get furnitures or cosmetics out of pet capsules, how fitting would its name like that? Just why
  13. We are having a greench day on our server and talking about this event we realized how much we miss it and would love it having it again this December along with the old items. Maybe add new tasks and new story quest too, for the shake of suprise. Lot of people missed out the event or couldn't participated full time and missed out stuff and items and we thinks it'd be super of having a repeat as it literally brought together so many stranger and made us team, and friends.
  14. Because it's ridiculous we can't do that. Especially as now we have a 3 part flooring but can put it in one direction only, like dude how does it looks like?? I can't even use it if I don't buy a daycare storey especially for this flooring
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