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Dedicated Game Channel Systems (One-Word-Story, Word-Chain, Counting, Don't Break the Chain .etc)


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Suggestion: An options for turning channels into dedicated game channels.

Reason: With the rising popularity of dedicated game channels, such as One-Word-Story, Word-Chain, Counting and "Don't Break the Chain" channels, I feel these are an opportunity Tatsu could take advantage of, providing systems for communities to automatically enforcing the rules of these channels.
While it should be a given, only a single game can be enabled per-channel, with a slew of variants on the rules for these channels, configurable rules should be an important feature of these systems, if they're implemented.
As examples:

Base Rules:

  • Reaction Confirmation: Have Tatsu add reactions to valid messages.
  • Confirmation Emoji: The emoji added for confirmation.
  • Remove Invalid Messages: Should Tatsu delete messages that don't fit the specified rules?
  • Continual Game: Keep the games going when an invalid message is sent?
  • Reaction on Edit: How, if at all, should Tatsu respond if a user edits their message? (e.g. Warn/delete and roll back/add violation/assign lock-out role)
  • Reaction on Delete: How, if at all, should Tatsu respond if a user deletes their message? (e.g. See above)
  • Take Turns: Are users blocked from following themselves up?
  • Lock Out: Select the role assigned to lock members out when taking turns. Requires Take Turns to be enabled.

One-Word-Story Rules:

As a classic camping/camp fire game, a general description of One-Word-Story games, is that each participant, sends messages, containing one word each, with the intent of together, possibly putting together a coherent sentence.

  • Track Sentences: Does Tatsu try and compile each word into a sentence, to be send when a user ends it, or the 2048 character, embed description limit is reached?
  • User Ending: Are users allowed to finish sentences?
  • Validate Contents: Will Tatsu try validating the words in the messages? Potentially how strictly will it try and validate it?
  • Block Repeats: Does Tatsu block the use of repeated words?

Word-Chain Rules:

Similar to One-Word-StoryWord-Chain is another classic camping/camp fire game, except the goal in this case, is to have each new term, start with the letter of the previous one. This usually also comes with the caveat that terms can't be repeated in the same chain.

  • Validate Contents: Will Tatsu try validating the terms? Potentially, how strictly will it try and validate it? Would it allow the use of punctuation outside of -?
  • Allow Repeats: Does Tatsu allow the use of repeated terms?

Counting Rules:

Likely the simplest of these games, Counting involves members sending individual messages, with an increasing number.

  • Allow Chatter: Are users allowed to follow the number in their message with a message?

Don't Break the Chain Rules:

Perhaps even simpler than Counting, considering, Don't Break the Chain asks participants to repeat the same message, ad infinitum.

  • Set Chain: Set a specific message to stick to, whether the chain is broken or not.
  • Allow Flexible Matching: Does Tatsu allow for differences in content when it comes to formatting, such as in the case of markdown, and other invisible characters in messages.
  • Require Attachment: Does Tatsu require users to attach the same first attachment with each message? (This is a sketchy option, due to differences between mobile and desktop Discord...)

While this list might be very comprehensive, it is by no means a be-all end-all lists of all the settings that can, or should, be made available. On the whole, just having some version of these games, would be the primary interest in this suggestion.



(Examples shown designed using YAGPDB)

Username: Wolveric#0897

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