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Fatigue: Recovery Items and Hourly Reduction


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Suggestion: Divide maximum Fatigue by 5 from ~500 to ~100, and lower hourly reduction from 250 to 50. 
Also, sell items that recover Fatigue in the shop, and lower Fatigue cost of "walk" from 10 to 6 or 7.

*Reason: As of right now, if I trained my seagull (named Tofu) for about 7 minutes straight every hour, 
a total of 83 times without skipping a beat, I could ignore the fatigue limit in its entirety. 
The vast majority if not all players I've encountered have never broken triple-digit fatigue.
This wastes a perfectly good mechanic that the developers created, and I hope to improve that.
Lowering the fatigue limit and the hourly reduction would make Fatigue a relevant mechanic.
You could cater to those very rare users who do go over 100 fatigue by selling items that reduce fatigue.
You could also accommodate users by lowering the Fatigue cost of "t!tg walk" from 10 to 6 or 7.

This might require a bit more programming, but Fatigue could also be linked to the other attributes.
For example, high Fatigue might drain Fullness and lower Experience gained.
This mechanic would incentivize users to manage their Fatigue more acutely.

Images: Not Applicable

*Username: Ha#8520
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