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NishikiRin#2727 last won the day on September 3 2022

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  1. Hi everyone! We've got some awesome new supporter items to accessorize your very own Spring-themed pet house for this month's Celebration of Blossoms! Come up with your own Spring-themed creations with the Flowery Cart and Toy Carrot! To top it off, you can now add a White Bunny to your pet, and have them hop in to the Spring festivities with you! Rewards Summary New Items Spring Bunny Badge Spring Strawberry Badge Spring Wreath Badge White Bunny Toy Carrot Flowery Cart How to claim your supporter rewards? All supporters can claim the rewards by checking your mail using the t!mail command. Note: The reward mail for these items expires on the 30th of April so please claim them by that date. Thank you for supporting our development and we hope you enjoy these items! For non-supporters, we've also added a bunch of new token furniture, so check out the update below! Extra sets of the Supporter Bundle can be purchased in the premium section: https://tatsu.gg/shops
  2. WELCOME SPRING WITH THE CELEBRATION OF BLOSSOMS The snow is melting, the leaves are budding, the flowers are blooming! That can only mean one thing: the Celebration of Blossoms Spring Festival is here! Experience the arrival of Spring from the 4th to the 30th of April with new pet cosmetics and furniture. This event, get to do so much more with friends in activities you can accomplish together! Table of Contents 1.0 Getting Started 1.1 How To Play 1.2 Event Schedule 1.3 Sproutling 1.4 Supporter Perks 1.5 Event Mini-site 2.0 Floral Fun 2.1 Gardening 2.2 Flower Trading 2.3 Arch Building 3.0 Spring Gift Baskets 3.1 Gift Exchange 3.2 Daily Gifts 3.3 Picnics 4.0 Springtime Strolls 5.0 Sprouting Daily Quests 6.0 Event Rewards 6.1 Event Shop Items 6.2 Other Event Items 7.0 Token Store Updates 7.1 Furniture 7.2 Pet Cosmetics 8.0 Summary 1.0 Getting Started 1.1 How To Play This year, the event commands have been streamlined and you can access all event activities by typing t!event. You'll be able to access statistics, different activities, and rewards from a single command. 1.2 Event Schedule The timeline of Celebration of Blossoms activities are shown below: Event Reward Store - Apr 4 to May 14 Floral Fun - Apr 4 to April 30 Gift Exchange - Apr 4 to April 30 Springtime Daily Quests - Apr 4 to April 30 Daily Gifts - Apr 4 to April 30 Springtime Stroll - Apr 4 to April 30 Picnics - Apr 4 to April 30 1.3 Sproutling You can earn Sproutlings by doing t!daily, while walking your pet, sending pets for field trips or opening Gift Baskets. Spend Sproutlings in the event store for special limited time furniture, cosmetics and badges. 1.4 Supporter Perks As with previous events, all supporters will receive 25% more Sproutlings from Walks and Daily Quests and a 25% increase in reward currency cap. Supporters also receive one additional Gift Basket from t!daily, and gain rewards from watering 10 more others' gardens during as part of the Floral Fun: Gardening event. Click here to support our development 1.5 Event Mini-Site This year there is a themed mini-site to help you through the event - you can visit it by going to https://tatsu.gg/springfestival2022 2.0 Floral Fun Partake in the festivities by coming together to grow flowers, trade flowers between participants, and put together awesome looking Floral Arches that can be put in your spring-themed house or daycare! 2.1 Gardening During the Celebration of Blossoms, everyone chips in to make our gardens as beautiful as they can possibly be! Each day, up to 10 people can water your garden. Keep an eye on it, though — the more people that help, the more likely you are to find new flowers! 2.2 Flower Trading Share the springtime splendor by swapping flowers with your friends! These flowers will be used in building the flower arches in the next section! 2.3 Arch Building Once you’ve collected enough flowers, add them to your arch in order to earn new, unique furniture! Apart from the basic Garden Vine Arch that will be delivered to your inventory when the event starts, there are 7 different Flower Arches you can collect! 3.0 Spring Gift Baskets Introducing Spring Gift Baskets! Items you can acquire within the basket include credits, tokens, Sproutlings, and other spring-themed furniture and pet cosmetics! Only 1 item can be acquired per bag. 3.1 Gift Exchange It’s Blossoms in spring! Exchange gifts and gift baskets with everyone you meet! Note: You'll receive a gift for every gift you give out! 3.2 Daily Gifts Claiming t!daily during the event will award you with a Spring Gift Basket every day! (Supporters also gain another extra bonus Gift Basket daily!) Note: You'll receive your daily Gift Basket even if you give your t!daily to someone else! 3.3 Picnics Pets can be sent on field trips with the t!picnic command! Each pet also has a 50% chance to find a Spring Gift Basket when they return! 4.0 Springtime Strolls Going on walks with your pet using t!tg walk command for the event duration will award you with Sproutlings. Supporters also gain up to 25% more Sproutlings per day. 5.0 Sprouting Daily Quests Completing Daily Quests within the t!quest daily command for the event duration will award you with Sproutlings. Supporters also gain 25% more Sproutlings for completing quests within the duration. 6.0 Event Rewards Spend your Sproutlings in the reward store for special furniture, cosmetics and badges! You can access the special event store by clicking on this link: https://tatsu.gg/shops/event. These items will be available in the store from the 4th to the 30th of April. NOTE: If you're unable to use the event site, you can use our normal store here: https://tatsu.gg/shops?category=Events&subCategory 6.1 Event Shop Items 6.2 Other Event Items Apart from those purchaseable using Sproutlings, there's also a hidden badge reward that you can earn! I wonder how you can get it? 7.0 Token Store Updates A couple of new Celebration of Blossoms themed special furniture and cosmetics have been added to the token store! These items will only be available from the 4th to 30th of April. You can access the special event store by clicking on this link: https://tatsu.gg/shops/event. 7.1 Furniture 7.2 Cosmetics 8.0 Summary In addition to the event we've also made some bugfixes and added a bunch of QoL changes, but this post is too long so we'll leave those out. Have a great Spring season!
  3. Hi everyone! We've got some awesome new supporter items to complement your very own planetarium-themed pet house for this month's theme! Come up with your own space-themed creations with the sleek Telescope and rest on the cool Moon Sofa! To top it off, you can now add a little moon to your pet, and have it orbit them as if they were a planet too! Rewards Summary New Items Orbiting Moon Moon Sofa Telescope Astronaut Patch Badge Rocket Launch Badge Satellite Explorer Badge How to claim your supporter rewards? All supporters can claim the rewards by checking your mail using the t!mail command. Note: The reward mail for these items expires on the 31st of March so please claim them by that date. Thank you for supporting our development and we hope you enjoy these items! For non-supporters, we've also added a bunch of new token furniture and the Cosmic Cosmetic Bag to the store, so check out the update below! Extra sets of the Supporter Bundle can be purchased in the premium section: https://tatsu.gg/shops
  4. Uncover the wonders of Space with the cool Planetarium theme! Patch 0.65 introduces the cool Planetarium theme and a Space Cosmetic Bag for your pets, as well as some new items that can be found from bringing your pets on walks. Table of Contents 1.0 New Planetarium Themed Furniture 1.1 Token-only Furniture and Furnishings 2.0 New Walk Items 3.0 New Store Pet Cosmetic 4.0 Space Cosmetic Bag 5.0 New Badges 6.0 Monthly Vote Reward 7.0 Supporter Rewards 8.0 Housing and Bot Updates 9.0 That's all for now! 1.0 New Space Themed Furniture A set of cool new furniture pieces are now available. Create your very own planetarium! 1.1 Token-only Furniture and Furnishings These token-only items will be in store permanently: 2.0 New Walk Items More goodies have been added to the drop pool for your pets to find in their biological waste: 3.0 New Store Pet Cosmetic This flashy token-only item will make your pet positively glow: 4.0 Cosmic Cosmetic Bag We've added a Cosmic Cosmetic Bag containing all new space-themed pet cosmetics which will be available for a limited time only. Each bag drops 1 random item from the list below. You can purchase the bag for 450 tokens each at https://tatsu.gg/shops (Note: Every item in the bag has the same chance of dropping and are all the same rarity!) If you would like to trade bag items, feel free to join our Discord Server and visit the trading channel: https://discord.gg/tatsu 5.0 New Badges For this month, we're featuring a variety of different space themed badges! 6.0 Monthly Vote Reward This month's vote reward is the fancy Stumpy Glass Table! It's the perfect combination of nature and manmade goodness! Vote 72 times this month to get it! 7.0 Supporter Rewards To complement the space-themed items we've also prepared a special set of rewards for all supporters: 8.0 Housing and Bot Updates Part of our latest patch update includes some cool new features and bug fixes! You can now do more customized decorations in your house with the free 4x4 slot editing for ground furniture! Wall slots have also been adjusted to give way for more wall furniture in each room. The house editing menu has been conveniently rearranged to resemble the daycare editing menu for improved consistency. We've fixed a bug in messages without embeds to ensure correct sending and added "redeem" as a keyword for claiming quest rewards, i.e., t!quests [claim | redeem]. Finally, toilet items and furniture are back! You can find them once again in the Tatsu shop on your browser or in the t!shop command. 9.0 That's all for now That's all for this update! Thank you to all players & admins for lending us your support, we'll see you in the next patch :)
  5. Go UwU with the new Cute Pastel theme! Patch 0.63 introduces a wide array of adorably new cute pastel-themed furniture and cosmetics, as well as some new items that can be found from bringing your pets on walks. Table of Contents 1.0 New Cute Pastel Themed Furniture 1.1 Token-only Furniture and Furnishings 1.2 Permanent Credit Furniture and Furnishings 2.0 New Walk Items 3.0 New Store Pet Cosmetics 4.0 Cute Crate 5.0 New Badges 6.0 (Almost) Free Toilet Furniture 7.0 Monthly Vote Reward 8.0 Supporter Rewards 9.0 That's all for now! 1.0 New Cute Pastel Themed Furniture A set of cool new furniture pieces are now available. Create your very own pastel pet playroom! 1.1 Token-only Furniture and Furnishings These token-only items will be in store permanently: 1.2 Permanent Credit Furniture and Furnishings These items have been permanently added to the store: 2.0 New Walk Items More goodies have been added to the drop pool for your pets to find in their biological waste: 3.0 New Store Pet Cosmetics These three adorable token-only items will emphasize your pets' cuteness: 4.0 Cute Crate We've added a Cute Crate containing all new cute pastel-colored items which will be available for a limited time only. Each crate drops 1 random item from the list below. You can purchase the crate for 450 tokens each at https://tatsu.gg/shops (Note: Every item in the crate has the same chance of dropping and are all the same rarity!) If you would like to trade crate items, feel free to join our Discord Server and visit the trading channel: https://discord.gg/tatsu 5.0 New Badges For this month, we're featuring a variety of different traditional asian-themed badges as a nod to Lunar New Year happening this month, made by the lovely KosukeRyoko!: 6.0 (Almost) Free Toilet Furniture! To commemorate our recent victories, we're releasing some toilet-themed furniture for only 1 credit per item! We couldn't have done it without you! Do take note that these items are untradeable and will only be available for the next 2 months, so get them while they're still in stock! 7.0 Monthly Vote Reward This month's vote reward is the adorable White Head Kitty! We heard you like pets, so you can now have a pet on top of your pet! Vote 72 times this month to get it! 8.0 Supporter Rewards To complement the kitchen-themed items we've also prepared a special set of rewards for all supporters: 9.0 That's all for now That's all for this update! Thank you to all players & admins for lending us your support, we'll see you in the next patch :)
  6. Hi everyone! We've got some awesome new supporter items to complement your pet's playroom for this month's theme! Make the perfect adorable pet playroom with adorable Purple Panda Plushie and gorgeous Decorated White Fancy Vanity, and dress up your pets with the lovely animated Glowing Hearts Glasses that'll show just how much love your pet has for you too! Rewards Summary New Items Purple Panda Plushie Decorated White Fancy Vanity Glowing Hearts Glasses Blue Flower Purikura Sticker Badge Heart Chat Bubble Purikura Sticker Badge Lovely Flowers Purikura Sticker Badge How to claim your supporter rewards? All supporters can claim the rewards by checking your mail using the t!mail command. Note: The reward mail for these items expires on the 31st of February so please claim them by that date. Thank you for supporting our development and we hope you enjoy these items! For non-supporters, we've also added a bunch of new credit and token furniture to the store so check out the update below! If you would like to support Tatsu's development, please consider subscribing here: https://tatsu.gg/supportus Extra sets can be purchased in the premium section: https://tatsu.gg/shops
  7. Hi everyone! Did you enjoy the Starlight Festival? We sure hope so! We've got some awesome new supporter items to complete your kitchen for this month's theme! Make the perfect kitchen with the Large Kitchen Sink and Large Kitchen Cabinet, and top it off with the animated spicy Taco Hat that'll look absolutely juicy and delicious atop your pet's head! Rewards Summary New Items Large Kitchen Sink 2x1 Furniture Large Kitchen Cabinet 2x1 Furniture Taco Hat Cosmetic Pixel Chef Hat Badge Badge Pixel Cutlery Badge Badge Pixel Spatula Badge Badge How to claim your supporter rewards? All supporters can claim the rewards by checking your mail using the t!mail command. Note: The reward mail for these items expires on the 31st of January so please claim them by that date. Thank you for supporting our development and we hope you enjoy these items! For non-supporters, we've also added a bunch of new credit and token furniture to the store so check out the update below! If you would like to support Tatsu's development, please consider subscribing here: https://tatsu.gg/supportus Extra sets can be purchased in the premium section: https://tatsu.gg/shops
  8. Welcome the new year with a new kitchen! Patch 0.63 introduces a wide array of fresh new kitchen-themed furniture and cosmetics, as well as some new items that can be found from bringing your pets on walks. Table of Contents 1.0 New Kitchen Themed Furniture 1.1 Token-only Furniture and Furnishings 1.2 Permanent Credit Furniture 2.0 Permanent Walk Items 3.0 New Store Pet Cosmetics 4.0 New Badges 5.0 Monthly Vote Reward 6.0 Supporter Rewards 7.0 That's all for now 1.0 New Kitchen Themed Furniture A set of cool new furniture pieces are now available. Create your very own kitchen! 1.1 Token-only Furniture and Furnishings These token-only items will be in store permanently: 1.2 Permanent Credit Furniture These items have been permanently added to the store: 2.0 Permanent Walk Items More goodies have been added to the drop pool for your pets to find when they go number two: 3.0 New Store Pet Cosmetics These two token-only items be available to be the perfect complements to your kitchen-themed furniture: 4.0 New Badges For this month, we're featuring a variety of different snacks and food in this set of badges: 5.0 Monthly Vote Reward This month's vote reward is the amazingly cozy Panda Armchair! Don't you want to just sink your behind in it? Vote 72 times this month to get it! 6.0 Supporter Rewards To complement the kitchen-themed items we've also prepared a special set of rewards for all supporters: 7.0 That's all for now That's all for this update! Thank you to all players & admins for lending us your support, we'll see you in the next patch :)
  9. Hi everyone! This month we've got some awesome supporter items to celebrate the beginning of the Starlight Festival! Welcome the festive season in style with the decorative Light String Necklace, and cuddle up with the two adorable Plushies to keep warm in the midst of the winter! Rewards Summary New Items Sleepy Polar Bear Plushie - 2x1 Furniture Penguin Plushie - 1x1 Furniture Starlight Light String Necklace Pet Cosmetic Pixel Snowman Badge Pixel Starlight Bells Badge Pixel Starlight Star Badge How to claim your supporter rewards? All supporters can claim the rewards by checking your mail using the t!mail command. Note: The reward mail for these items expires on the 31st of December so please claim them by that date. Thank you for supporting our development and we hope you enjoy these items! ALSO, do take part in the Starlight Festival event to get the chance to obtain cool event items, such as the Crystal Feline shown above! If you would like to support Tatsu's development, please consider subscribing here: https://tatsu.gg/supportus Extra sets can be purchased in the premium section: https://tatsu.gg/shops
  10. WELCOME TO THE STARLIGHT FESTIVAL The barren trees are beginning to glisten with frost, and there's a chill in the air that brings to mind images of festive joy... That can only mean one thing: the Starlight Festival is back! Share the Starlight spirit with your friends from the 1st to the 31st of December with new pet cosmetics and furniture. Not everyone is happy about the Festival, though... You'll have to fend off menacing monsters and uncover a wintry mystery with some new companions in this year's story! Table of Contents 1.0 Getting Started 1.1 How To Play 1.2 Event Schedule 1.3 Crystal Snowflakes 1.4 Supporter Perks 1.5 Event Mini-site 2.0 Cold Case - A Wintery Mystery 3.0 Menace in the Blizzard 4.0 Server Starlight Tree 5.0 Advent Calendar 6.0 Wintry Walks 7.0 Starlight Presents and other Goodies 7.1 Daily Presents 7.2 Ski Trips 7.3 Snow-filled Daily Quests 8.0 Event Items 8.1 Crystal Pets 8.2 Festive Furniture 8.3 Jolly Cosmetics 8.4 Badges 8.5 Other Event Items 9.0 Store Updates 9.1 Crystal Furniture 9.2 Crystal Pet Cosmetics 10.0 Summary 1.0 Getting Started 1.1 How To Play This year, the event commands have been streamlined and you can access all event activities by typing t!event. You'll be able to access statistics, different activities, and rewards from a single command. 1.2 Event Schedule The timeline of Starlight Festival activities are shown below: Event Reward Store - Dec 1 to Jan 14 2021 Cold Case - Dec 1 to Dec 31 Server Starlight Tree - Dec 1 to Dec 31 Advent Calendar - Dec 4 to Dec 24 Snowy Quests - Dec 1 to Dec 31 Daily Presents - Dec 1 to Dec 31 Wintry Walk - Dec 1 to Dec 31 Menace in the Blizzard - Dec 1 to Dec 31 Ski Trips - Dec 1 to Dec 31 1.3 Crystal Snowflakes You can earn Crystal Snowflakes by doing t!daily, while walking your pet, sending pets for field trips or participating in event activities. Spend Crystal Snowflakes in the event store for special limited time furniture, cosmetics and badges. 1.4 Supporter Perks As with previous events, all supporters will receive 25% more Crystal Snowflakes from Walks and Daily Quests and a 25% increase in reward currency cap. Supporters also receive one additional present from t!daily, and can retroactively collect every day that has passed from the Advent Calendar. Click here to support our development 1.5 Event Mini-Site This year there is a themed mini-site to help you through the event - you can visit it by going to https://tatsu.gg/starlight-festival 2.0 Cold Case - A Wintery Mystery Uncover a wintry mystery with Firinne Eris and Kang-Dae through 7 short story episodes as they take on a quest in the middle of a blizzard! Unlock a new episode every day, or read everything from the 7th onwards! A special reward awaits those who follow the story to its conclusion! 3.0 Menace in the Blizzard Guide Firinne Eris and Kang-Dae as they embark on their mission to defend the town from monsters! Vote on the option to pick along with other users, and earn Crystal Snowflakes and Presents! And when they've defeated enough monsters, someone familiar might show up...?! 4.0 Server Starlight Tree Decorate a snow white starlight tree together with your friends! Chat and use t! commands to generate light points, and donate Ornaments to decorate the Starlight Tree! As the Tree becomes decorated, presents will populate the tree for you and your friends to claim! 5.0 Advent Calendar Check in daily to obtain awesome rewards from the advent calendar! (Supporters get to claim everything before the event ends) Be careful to check in daily, though, for if you fail to claim it for that day, you'll miss it for good. Unless you're a Supporter.... To view the Advent Calendar, either visit it directly via t!adventcalendar or select it via the main t!event menu! 6.0 Wintry Walks For the duration of the event, going on walks with your pet will allow you to find some crystal snowflakes! There is a daily cap on how many snowflakes can be obtained every day, and these snowflakes can be used to purchase event items! 7.0 Starlight Presents and other Goodies With the coming of the Starlight Festival comes, yes, you guessed it - Starlight Presents! You will get 3 different items from each present. 1 Ornament to donate to your server tree Ornaments can only be used for Server Trees, so be sure to use them before they're removed from your inventories at the end of the event! 1 Snowball to toss at your friends A special item, ranging from Snowflakes to a Starlight Furniture Crate or Cosmetic Bag! 7.1 Daily Presents Claiming t!daily during the event will award you with a Starlight Present every day! (Supporters also gain another extra bonus present daily!) Note: You'll receive your daily presents even if you gave your t!daily to someone else! 7.2 Ski Trips Pets can be sent on field trips with the t!skitrip command! Each pet also has a 50% chance to find a Starlight Present when they return! 7.3 Snow-filled Daily Quests Completing Daily Quests within the t!quest daily command for the event duration will award you with Crystal Snowflakes. Supporters also gain 25% more Crystal Snowflakes for completing quests within the duration. 8.0 Event Rewards Spend your snowflakes in the reward store for special furniture, cosmetics and badges! You can access the special event store by clicking on this link: https://tatsu.gg/shops/starlight-festival. These items will be available in the store from the 1st to the 31st of December. NOTE: If you're unable to use the event site, you can use our normal store here: https://tatsu.gg/shops?category=Events&subCategory=Starlight+Festival https://tatsu.gg/shops?category=Special&tag=Starlight+Festival+2021 8.1 Crystal Pets For this year's Starlight Festival, you'll gain access to these sparkly Crystal Pets! Each person can only purchase one of each of these pets, and only through this event, so get them while they're still available! 8.2 Festive Furniture 8.3 Jolly Cosmetics 8.4 Badges and Pet Profile Items 8.5 Other Event Items Apart from those purchaseable using Crystal Snowflakes, other event rewards can be obtained via the different activities. 9.0 Token Store Updates A couple of new Starlight Festival themed special furniture and cosmetics have been added to the token store! These items will only be available from the 1st to the 31st of December. You can access the special event store by clicking on this link: https://tatsu.gg/shops/starlight-festival 9.1 Furniture 9.2 Cosmetics 10.0 Summary In addition to the event we've also made some bugfixes and added a bunch of QoL changes, but this post is too long so we'll leave those out. Have a great festive season!
  11. Hi everyone! Did you enjoy the Phantom Feast? We sure hope so! We've got some verdant supporter items to round off the fall season! Make the perfect garden with the Bird Bath and Trellis Planter, and top it off with the animated Green Butterfly that'll cling right onto your pet's head! Rewards Summary New Items Trellis Planter 2x1 Furniture Bird Bath 1x1 Furniture Green Butterfly Pet Cosmetic Acorn Badge Blueberry Badge Clover Badge Mushroom Badge How to claim your supporter rewards? All supporters can claim the rewards by checking your mail using the t!mail command. Note: The reward mail for these items expires on the 31st of November so please claim them by that date. Thank you for supporting our development and we hope you enjoy these items! For non-supporters, we've also added a bunch of new credit and token furniture to the store so check out the summertime update at the link above! If you would like to support Tatsu's development, please consider subscribing here: https://tatsu.gg/supportus Extra sets can be purchased in the premium section: https://tatsu.gg/shops
  12. Gone is the heat of summer, and in comes autumn... Patch 0.61 introduces a grand slew of new and highly requested verdant furniture and fancy new pet cosmetics! We're happy with how all of it turned out, and we can't wait to see everyone's creations! Table of Contents 1.0 New Fall Themed Furniture 2.0 New Walk Furniture 3.0 New Pet Cosmetics 4.0 Fall 2021 Furniture Crate 5.0 Autumn Cosmetic Bag 6.0 New Badges 7.0 Monthly Vote Reward 8.0 Supporter Rewards 9.0 Starlight Festival 2020 Rerun 1.0 New Fall-themed Furniture! A set of lush new furniture pieces are now available. Create your very own autumn-themed adobe! 1.1 Token-only Furniture and Furnishings These token-only items will be in store permanently: 1.2 Permanent Credit Furniture These items have been permanently added to the store: 2.0 Permanent Walk Furniture More goodies have been added to the drop pool for your pets to find in their *censored*: 3.0 New Pet Cosmetics These two token-only items be available to be the perfect complements to your fall-themed furniture: 4.0 Fall 2021 Furniture Crate We also added a Fall Furniture Crate containing all new fall-themed items which will be available permanently. Each crate drops 1 random item from the list below. You can purchase the crate for 450 tokens each at https://tatsu.gg/shops (Note: Every item in the crate has the same chance of dropping and are all the same rarity!) If you would like to trade crate items, feel free to join our Discord Server and visit the trading channel: https://discord.gg/tatsu 5.0 Autumn Cosmetic Bag We also added a Autumn Pet Cosmetic Bag containing all new autumn fashion items for your pet which will be available permanently. Each bag drops 1 random item from the list below. You can purchase the crate for 600 tokens each at https://tatsu.gg/shops (Note: Every item in the bag has the same chance of dropping!) If you would like to trade bag items, feel free to join our Discord Server and visit the trading channel: https://discord.gg/tatsu 6.0 New Badges For this month, we're featuring adorable fluffy animals and cats in these sets of badges: And then there's these still creepy-cute ones by Mochi! 7.0 Monthly Vote Reward This month's vote reward is the amazingly comfortable-looking Cozy Cabin Bed! Don't you want to just pass out in it? Vote 72 times this month to get it! 8.0 Supporter Rewards To complement the beach-themed items we've also prepared a special set of rewards for all supporters: 9.0 Starlight Festival 2020 Reruns Last but not least, thanks to popular demand, Starlight Festival 2020 items are now available for sale on the Tatsu Shop! Stock up on some of these decorations in preparation for Starlight Festival, coming up just next month! 10.0 That's all for now That's all for this update! Thank you to all players & admins for lending us your support, we'll see you in the next patch :)
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