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lilcat#0001 last won the day on May 16 2022

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  1. This has been implemented, you may now use the menu that pops up or t!<house/tg/meeko> <room number>, or 0 to display the entire house. Thanks for the suggestion.
  2. "View entire storey" option has been moved to the bottom of the list, thanks for the suggestion.
  3. ok but only because funny number Edit: This has been implemented, thank you for the suggestion.
  4. Unless you mean the confirmation message after completing the command (in which case you would just need to use the command in the channel you want it to appear), it sounds like you have enabled score & points logging which is creating a separate notification message in your chosen channel. You can disable this setting on the dashboard under servers > your server > rewards & economy > score & points > points & score logs, by removing the channel listed. Alternatively, you could change the channel to one of your private logging channels in case you want to keep track of admins giving out score/points.
  5. You need to have administrator, or have a server role which has been assigned "Bot Manager Role" by the owner/an admin through the Dashboard > Settings module
  6. The t!score command (as a standalone command like t!points, not an alias for rank) has been implemented, thank you for the suggestion.
  7. The follow suggestion has been implemented to allow specifying the number of cookies to send with t!cookie (name) (number), though it's not possible to permanently remove or refund a purchased multiplier. https://community.tatsu.gg/topic/312-being-able-to-give-a-specific-number-of-cookies-by-having-a-multiplier/
  8. Meekos have been added to Tatsu and can now be created through https://tatsu.gg/game/character-creation
  9. Storey name max length has been extended to 25 characters.
  10. Tatsugotchi option has been renamed to "Add Cosmetic" and a new option has been added for "Replace", housing also allows replacing of furniture.
  11. t!event, t!arch and t!swap commands are now available and will remain so until the 14th of May (same as the event shop).
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